00:00:00.260 --> 00:00:09.773
Every time I come to these meetings where you have that separation of one person really wanted to help the woman and the male being like we don't need help, they need help.
00:00:09.773 --> 00:00:10.574
I see the numbers.
00:00:10.574 --> 00:00:14.388
There's never been a time where I'm like, oh no, you're right, you don't need any help.
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No, every time they need a lot of help.
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And I'm going to speak to men on this one.
00:00:19.928 --> 00:00:29.163
Let that pride go, like that pride of I can fix this is killing you because it's okay to not know something.
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No, it's dumb to not know something.
00:00:31.492 --> 00:00:34.203
Realize you don't know something and then do nothing about it.
00:00:34.203 --> 00:00:35.066
That's dumb.
00:00:35.066 --> 00:00:36.951
That is the opposite of being a man.
00:00:46.179 --> 00:00:47.003
Hey babe, what are we talking about today?
00:00:47.003 --> 00:00:47.726
Make them pockets grow.
00:00:47.726 --> 00:00:48.853
Financial freedom's where we go.
00:00:48.853 --> 00:00:50.057
Smart investments, money flow.
00:00:53.420 --> 00:00:54.703
Hey babe, what are we talking about today?
00:00:54.703 --> 00:00:58.030
Well, today is another Rippin' Rant and first Rippin' Rant we're going to talk about is DEI.
00:00:58.051 --> 00:00:58.752
You've been waiting.
00:00:58.752 --> 00:01:01.161
You've been Rippin' and ranting.
00:01:02.164 --> 00:01:24.042
I do have a lot of opinions about this the middle of january, and january was long yeah, as most of you know, basically every single dei program and every single company across the country is under attack or has already been dismantled, and the reasons behind why they're being dismantled.
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That's what we're going to talk about because, honestly, for a lack of, I think it's crap.
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It's crap.
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The reasoning behind it is just crap, it's lies, you know racist lies yeah, because, well, let's first start.
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Let's take a step back.
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Let's first define exactly what dei actually is, for maybe some of you guys that don't know.
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Dei stands for diversity, equity, inclusion.
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It is basically a framework aimed at fostering workplaces, organizations and communities that embrace and support individuals from diverse backgrounds and identities.
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The main DEI initiatives they often focus on policies, training and strategies that promote a more equitable and inclusive society or workplace.
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So listen to that definition.
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I don't understand how anyone could one be against it based off the definition to begin with, and when people are against it.
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It leads me down two different paths.
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One, you either are ignorant and you don't actually understand what DEI is and what it does and the purpose behind it, or two, you're racist.
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I saw something yesterday, I think, that said when somebody like, if you're in somebody's presence and they say that they're against DEI, ask them which part Is it that they're against diversity?
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Is it that they're against equity or that they're against inclusion or all of it?
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Is it that they're against equity or that they are not qualified for which is garbage?
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Secondly, if you're going to say something about or against DEI, Say it with your chest, then Say it with your chest first off and then also say it Like what part are you you don't like equity, you don't like inclusion, you don't like diversity?
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Which part do you not like?
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Let's talk about that Instead of giving it this like blanket statement where you can kind of hide behind it.
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No, people need to start getting called out for what they you know are posting online or whatever it might be like.
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Tell me so I know which part of DEI you don't agree with.
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I also don't like this new age racism.
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I call it bitch assness racism.
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Be honest with you, because at least back in the day people owned the racism.
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They did racist things, they said racist things and when you call them a racist they were like, yeah, I'm a racist.
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Nowadays people do racist things, say racist things.
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But don't want to be called a racist.
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But when you call them a racist, they're like I'm not a racist and they get all hurt and cry about it.
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I'm like, no, don't do racist things and people won't call you a racist.
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It's very simple.
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It's pretty basic.
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And so one of the things we really want to talk about is the myths behind DEI, with a very obvious one that most people have is that they think dei dei lowers standards when in reality it does.
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The doesn't do any of that.
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If anything, it actually raises the standards.
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Most people, like just said, think that dei is black people getting jobs that are not qualified for.
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What dei does is forces people in some aspects to look at qualified people that aren't white males.
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That's all it is that's what it is like.
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So you have the bucket of cisgendered white men who are used to owning everything, being in charge of everything, and d and I helps eliminate only white men being interviewed for jobs.
00:05:04.826 --> 00:05:09.382
That's what it is, yeah, so Give everybody else a chance.
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I kind of equate it to for those individuals that are football players, that are into football, it's the Rooney Rule.
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So the Rooney Rule in football came about because you have a league that is like 70 to 80% black athletes and barely any black coaches.
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So that should tell you something.
00:05:24.545 --> 00:05:27.144
Athletes and barely any black coaches, so that should tell you something.
00:05:27.144 --> 00:05:32.000
And so the Rooney rule applied that you have to interview a certain number of black applicants for a head coaching job.
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You don't have to pick the black applicant, but you do have to interview them.
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And there's a reason behind that because one, it's opening the opportunities for other people that are just as qualified.
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So you're not just looking at group A over here Now, you're looking at B, c, d, all the other groups as well to find the same qualified applicants.
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Now, also, what happens in these scenarios is that, even if a black person doesn't get the job, they now know the process.
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And we all know that part of also interviewing for jobs assuming you get higher up is understanding the process so that you can improve.
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If you don't get the job, if you don't understand the process, or you have the opportunity to even go through the process, you don't even know what you need to improve on to go through it.
00:06:12.351 --> 00:06:15.564
And so that's what DEI is for the masses.
00:06:15.564 --> 00:06:18.672
It's not unqualified people getting jobs.
00:06:18.672 --> 00:06:22.665
Now, is there a potential for an unqualified person to get a job?
00:06:22.665 --> 00:06:26.132
Yes, just like there's a potential for unqualified white men to get jobs.
00:06:26.132 --> 00:06:27.033
Same thing.
00:06:27.420 --> 00:06:29.867
That's literally been happening for centuries.
00:06:29.867 --> 00:06:30.790
Look at our president.
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Like, in all honesty, like, look at our president and for anyone out there that maybe voted for Trump and is listening to us, do you think if Trump was the exact same person, everything, exactly the same.
00:06:40.829 --> 00:06:42.651
Only thing you change is that he's a, a black man.
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Do you think he'd be president?
00:06:44.374 --> 00:06:55.422
no, like, if you don't lie to yourself, he wouldn't be it's very obvious he wouldn't have even made it to the ballot, he wouldn't be allowed to step foot in dc yeah, I mean come on and that's the thing behind dei.
00:06:55.442 --> 00:07:02.423
and like, I have heard this same argument since I was in high school, you know, with the whole idea of affirmative action.
00:07:02.423 --> 00:07:15.045
I will not say the person's name because I just don't remember who was in high school, but I was in a class where someone was talking about affirmative action and how it's making it hard for them, as a white person, to get into college, and I simply called them out.
00:07:15.045 --> 00:07:18.990
I stood up in the little class and I said what is your SAT score?
00:07:18.990 --> 00:07:20.322
What is your current GPA?
00:07:20.322 --> 00:07:21.245
Here I'll go first.
00:07:21.245 --> 00:07:22.408
Here's my SAT score.
00:07:22.408 --> 00:07:23.331
Here's my GPA.
00:07:23.331 --> 00:07:25.521
Here I'll go first.
00:07:25.521 --> 00:07:25.940
Here's my SAT score.
00:07:25.940 --> 00:07:26.261
Here's my GPA.
00:07:26.261 --> 00:07:26.521
Guess what?
00:07:26.541 --> 00:07:27.702
Mine were higher.
00:07:27.702 --> 00:07:32.666
Have you been listening to our podcast and wondering how am I really doing with my money?
00:07:32.666 --> 00:07:35.389
Am I doing the right things with my investments?
00:07:35.389 --> 00:07:38.072
Am I on track to reach my financial goals?
00:07:38.072 --> 00:07:39.853
What could I be doing better?
00:07:39.853 --> 00:07:55.074
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it's time for you to reach out to Brandon to schedule your free yes, I said free 30-minute introduction conversation to see how his services could help make you the more confident moneymaker we know you could be.
00:07:55.074 --> 00:07:56.764
What are you waiting for?
00:07:56.764 --> 00:08:04.312
It's literally free and at the very least, you'll walk away feeling more empowered and confident about your financial future.
00:08:04.312 --> 00:08:05.963
Link is in our show notes.
00:08:05.963 --> 00:08:07.488
Go schedule your call today.
00:08:10.822 --> 00:08:19.228
And that's the problem is that people keep pushing this narrative, and what I honestly want to say is I'm going to call it out it's a mediocre white man pushing the narrative to make themselves feel better about not getting a job.
00:08:19.228 --> 00:08:32.794
That's really what it is People that think they should get a job just because they were white aren't getting a job, and they have to find some way to justify it in their mind other than that, hey, the other person was more qualified than you and they just happen to be black.
00:08:33.576 --> 00:08:36.086
Yeah, there was another thread that I saw.
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It was actually on threads and it was a black female physician who had a heart to heart with a colleague.
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Did you see?
00:08:46.495 --> 00:08:46.941
it, I did.
00:08:47.644 --> 00:09:01.428
And basically, you know, this was a white colleague who was able to have this kind of a constructive conversation about DE&I and affirmative action etc.
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And they basically sat down and they talked about you know, what kind of school did you go to Like?
00:09:06.283 --> 00:09:07.307
Where did you go to high school?
00:09:07.307 --> 00:09:08.690
She went to an inner city school.
00:09:08.690 --> 00:09:12.807
He, of course, went to a prestigious, very expensive private school.
00:09:12.807 --> 00:09:14.529
Where did they go to college?
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What did they study?
00:09:15.452 --> 00:09:16.721
What was their GPA?
00:09:16.721 --> 00:09:20.245
What kind of you know internships did they do?
00:09:20.245 --> 00:09:33.480
Et cetera, et cetera, and at every single stage she had higher scores, higher GPA, and she did this all coming over to the United States, not speaking English.
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I think she came when she was like 15 years old 15 years old, not speaking English, you know, having kind of the deck stacked against her with where she went to schools the schools that she applied to.
00:09:45.066 --> 00:09:52.289
She went to schools the schools that she applied to and it really showed that because of DE&I she was able to actually get the interviews.
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Her grades warranted her being there.
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But without these rules and laws in place she could have easily been passed over.
00:10:01.475 --> 00:10:08.984
And so basically at the end of the thread he acknowledges you had way more obstacles to overcome and you did much better.
00:10:09.083 --> 00:10:11.669
My, my scores were not the way yours were.
00:10:11.669 --> 00:10:14.602
My GPA wasn't what yours was, even throughout medical school.
00:10:14.602 --> 00:10:20.966
She beat him every single step of the way, which is why I mean, they're both now physicians.
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But she basically said she was given the opportunities because DE&I, this framework, you know these laws, these rules were put in place.
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And let's just be very clear even though this administration, the undertone of DE&I is black people, brown people, yellow people, anybody that is not white, that is what they are considering DE&I.
00:10:43.086 --> 00:10:47.495
But the reality is is if you are a woman, you are DE&I.
00:10:47.495 --> 00:10:50.264
If you are over 40, you are DE&I.
00:10:50.264 --> 00:10:53.591
If you are deaf, if you are blind, if you are in a wheelchair.
00:10:53.652 --> 00:10:54.432
If you are a vet.
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If you are a vet, you are a DE&I quote, unquote hire and so we really need to be cognizant of the buckets we put people in, because if you're in a wheelchair and the building that you're going into has a ramp access for you to access that building with your wheelchair, that is because of a DE&I initiative.
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Without something like that in place, a building could just say nope, you need to figure out a way to get in here without actually having access for your wheelchair.
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That's insanity.
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What's insanity also is, for example, the governor of Texas.
00:11:30.589 --> 00:11:30.950
Oh my gosh.
00:11:31.822 --> 00:11:33.626
Who is voting against DEI?
00:11:33.626 --> 00:11:34.971
And he's in a wheelchair.
00:11:34.971 --> 00:11:39.071
Literally they have access because he's in a wheelchair.
00:11:39.600 --> 00:11:41.748
I mean, how vapid can you be?
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It's really embarrassing.
00:11:44.140 --> 00:11:44.761
And the thing is too.
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I can tell you from experience that if you have a minority, and, more specifically, if you have a black woman that is in a higher position, for example, a manager, vp, executive, whatever, above you, I guarantee you.
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I guarantee she's twice as qualified to be there.
00:12:00.105 --> 00:12:00.346
00:12:00.346 --> 00:12:07.696
Well, and let's just make something very clear Black women are the most educated demographic in the United States.
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Black women have the highest percentage of secondary degrees in the United States, which makes vis-a-vis, ergo concordantly, black women the most educated demographic in the United States.
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It is not white men, it has never been white men, and this is why we need D and E and I to ensure that people who are not just cisgendered white men have access to education, have access to be sitting in rooms that we deserve to be in.
00:12:38.147 --> 00:12:41.552
How is it 2025?
00:12:41.552 --> 00:12:44.143
And this is a conversation that we are having.
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It's a conversation that's all been around.
00:12:45.605 --> 00:12:54.041
I mean like, for example, I mean my mom is a retired college professor, phd, had her master's at 21 years old, and you know.
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Another perfectly prime example on par with this administration is that I've always said it and I can explain it that the Supreme Court justice, katonji Brown Jackson, is the most qualified justice on the court based upon work experience.
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She is the only justice on the court that has Supreme Court clerking experience, public defender experience, sentencing, commission, district court judge and court of appeals judge.
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She's the only one that has all of those on her resume.
00:13:20.931 --> 00:13:27.410
She is hands down the most qualified person, but people try to say that she was not qualified enough because she's a black woman.
00:13:27.410 --> 00:13:29.546
She's not a DEI hire.
00:13:30.581 --> 00:13:33.359
She is the most qualified person in that building.
00:13:33.841 --> 00:13:39.013
If anything, the DEI hire is Amy Comey Barrett, who did not have any of this experience.
00:13:39.013 --> 00:13:41.048
Well, she has some of it, but most of it she does not.
00:13:41.539 --> 00:13:42.604
Well, and not the tenure.
00:13:42.604 --> 00:13:44.745
Oh no, I mean she barely was.
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She was a judge for two minutes, that's it.
00:13:46.442 --> 00:13:55.836
Yeah Well, we understand that being qualified in this administration is not something that anybody values.
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The country has voted this way and what's really sad is that there are so many qualified people that without D, e and I are just not going to get the opportunity to sit at the tables that they deserve to be at.
00:14:11.212 --> 00:14:25.548
And what's more terrifying is that the people who are more than qualified to be in the roles that they're in are now going to be questioned even more than they have been previously to see if they deserve to be there.
00:14:25.548 --> 00:14:29.854
And again, the stats are there.
00:14:29.854 --> 00:14:48.346
I mean, nobody else questions the nepotism or the fact that you know somebody is hiring their son, their cousin, their whatever in their family, their country club buddy, as long as they look like cisgendered white men and they're like, this is this is nothing against white men.
00:14:48.346 --> 00:15:02.461
This is against people who don't understand that there are people in this world who need opportunities to present their skills and without DE&I, that is not going to happen.
00:15:02.461 --> 00:15:10.201
And the fact that they want to demolish, shut it down, rip it out that, I think, is really terrifying.
00:15:10.263 --> 00:15:13.654
And the people who don't understand, again what it means.
00:15:13.654 --> 00:15:18.467
Right, if you are a nursing mother and maybe your building has a nursing mother's room.
00:15:18.467 --> 00:15:19.269
Guess what?
00:15:19.269 --> 00:15:21.181
That is a DE&I initiative.
00:15:21.181 --> 00:15:32.427
You want to go back to pumping in the bathroom stall, pumping in your car, pumping in some broom closet with chemicals, because that's what this is going to be.
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This is what's going to happen.
00:15:33.784 --> 00:15:43.854
These initiatives help people live, work, function in the spaces where we live, work and function.
00:15:43.854 --> 00:15:44.575
That's what it is.
00:15:45.000 --> 00:15:51.894
Also, at the end of the day, it does come down to dollars, because several studies show that diverse teams outperform homogenous teams.
00:15:51.894 --> 00:15:57.532
If you have a team full of white cisgender males, they only have one perspective.
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For the most part, they only have one perspective.
00:16:00.183 --> 00:16:10.690
So when you start to diversify that team and you have people from different backgrounds, you're going to get better ideas Like if you don't understand that you are not at the top of the game.
00:16:10.690 --> 00:16:15.336
I'm just like, you know, like, if you don't understand that, you're going to fail in the long run.
00:16:15.580 --> 00:16:37.379
I mean, if you look at Fortune 100, fortune 500, if you look at these large corporations even the ones, sadly, that you know decided to just throw DE&I out the window as soon as they were legally able, the ones that have diverse boards, the ones that have diverse executive leadership they are always outperforming those that do not, for the reasons that Brandon just mentioned.
00:16:37.379 --> 00:16:48.182
So if you want to have a company that is successful, then you hire people that don't look the same, don't have the same background, don't have the same skill sets.
00:16:48.182 --> 00:16:55.866
You are looking for people to fill the gaps that you might have, that your neighbor might have, that the third person at the table has.
00:16:55.866 --> 00:17:06.914
You're trying to build out a, you know, a group of people that really can speak to and fill the gaps of who's in the room.
00:17:08.020 --> 00:17:08.541
Also, too.
00:17:08.541 --> 00:17:11.489
The whole myth of this is reverse racism.
00:17:11.489 --> 00:17:18.491
First of all, there's no such thing as reverse racism, because reverse means opposite, and the opposite of racism is what we're going for.
00:17:18.491 --> 00:17:20.584
So I would love to have reverse racism.
00:17:20.584 --> 00:17:23.152
It means no racism, so the term itself is stupid.
00:17:23.152 --> 00:17:24.602
I hate that term.
00:17:24.602 --> 00:17:25.604
It's such a dumb term.
00:17:25.604 --> 00:17:29.711
But the idea is that it's about fairness, not favoritism.
00:17:30.392 --> 00:17:30.633
00:17:30.732 --> 00:17:31.534
And that's what it is.
00:17:31.534 --> 00:17:38.833
We are trying to move away from the favoritism and open the door of opportunity for everyone who's qualified.
00:17:39.273 --> 00:17:52.921
Yeah Well, I know you and I both talked about this, but again, threads is a pop in place right now and I'm really it this like.
00:17:52.921 --> 00:17:55.226
I know it's part of Instagram, but it is my favorite place to be on the internet right now.
00:17:55.226 --> 00:18:21.519
But there was a thread by a cisgendered white pilot and he basically detailed all the things that you have to go through in order to get your commercial pilots license and actually be hired by, you know, the Deltas, united's, americans of the world, and then basically, at the end, he was like any black, brown, yellow person that is flying a commercial airline or any kind of airline where passengers are paying to be is there because they are qualified.
00:18:21.519 --> 00:18:31.394
You do not become a commercial airline pilot because of a DE&I initiative at a company, because you were hired because you are not qualified.
00:18:31.394 --> 00:18:32.905
That just doesn't happen.
00:18:32.905 --> 00:18:42.846
So all of the people who are out here saying oh, so-and-so is not qualified and that plane crashed because no, no, boo-boo, that's just not a thing.
00:18:42.846 --> 00:18:44.384
Stop trying to make fetch happen.
00:18:44.384 --> 00:18:46.911
You wrong, you are wrong.
00:18:47.940 --> 00:18:48.521
I mean also.
00:18:48.521 --> 00:18:53.990
The thing is, too, is that you have to think about this way Black people make up roughly around 15 percent of the US population.
00:18:53.990 --> 00:18:58.691
Now take into account that also includes children and people that are too old to work.
00:18:58.691 --> 00:19:01.198
So cut that percentage down drastically more.
00:19:01.198 --> 00:19:05.611
White people still make up 60 to 65 percent of the US population.
00:19:05.611 --> 00:19:08.432
White people still make up 60 to 65 percent of the US population, and it's always been.
00:19:08.432 --> 00:19:14.277
You know the ploy of let's blame it on the smallest percentage of people in the in the make up the population.
00:19:14.277 --> 00:19:15.097
They're the problem.
00:19:15.861 --> 00:19:21.606
Like if you are, if you are a white person and I am a half white person.
00:19:21.606 --> 00:19:22.509
My mom is German.
00:19:22.509 --> 00:19:24.748
I grew up in Germany Extra half white.
00:19:25.760 --> 00:19:27.125
Brandon likes to call me extra white.
00:19:27.125 --> 00:19:30.169
Okay, so this is not a black and brown.
00:19:30.169 --> 00:19:33.028
This is not that Okay.
00:19:33.028 --> 00:19:42.053
I want you if you are a white person, I don't care what gender you are If you are in a space, I want you to look around.
00:19:42.053 --> 00:19:43.096
You live in the United States.
00:19:43.096 --> 00:19:51.002
I want you to look around that space and I guarantee you you will be able to count, depending on how large the space is.
00:19:51.002 --> 00:19:57.738
You will be able to count, maybe on one hand, maybe on two, how many Black people are in that space.
00:19:57.738 --> 00:20:05.436
I will tell you, as a woman of color, when I go into a restaurant, I can see my fellow brown people.
00:20:06.159 --> 00:20:11.800
We were at swim lessons the other night with our kids, one hand with fingers to spare.
00:20:11.800 --> 00:20:14.371
How many black and brown kids were on that swim team?
00:20:14.371 --> 00:20:18.390
While our kids were doing their lessons, how many black and brown parents were in the bleachers?
00:20:18.390 --> 00:20:20.518
Yeah, look around.
00:20:20.518 --> 00:20:23.267
Look around when you're at the park with your kids on the weekends.
00:20:23.267 --> 00:20:26.316
How many black and brown families do you see?
00:20:26.316 --> 00:20:27.266
You will.
00:20:27.266 --> 00:20:36.993
I guarantee you you will be able to count them on one or two hands Next time you go to a birthday party, next time you show up to volunteer for your kid's class.
00:20:36.993 --> 00:20:40.846
I just want you to open your eyes and look around you.
00:20:40.846 --> 00:20:43.451
As a white person, are not the minority.
00:20:44.375 --> 00:20:48.593
You are not, not even close, and the fact that you've probably never had that thought of.
00:20:48.593 --> 00:20:49.817
Oh, I'm in a restaurant.
00:20:49.817 --> 00:20:52.093
How many people look like me in this space?
00:20:52.093 --> 00:20:56.512
That is your privilege and I'm not saying you need to feel guilty about it.
00:20:56.512 --> 00:21:10.096
This is not me coming at you for any other reason, except for pay attention to the spaces around you and recognize that as a white person, you were always in the majority in that space.