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In today's episode we are going to discuss if AI will replace human financial planners like Brandon Hopefully not.
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We're going to talk about how AI is revolutionizing various industries, what AI can do in financial planning, what AI can't do and why human financial planners will still matter, and how AI and humans can work together to give the best experience.
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Stay tuned.
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Hey babe, what are we talking about today?
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Today we are venturing into my world a little bit and we are talking about AI, artificial intelligence, but not in the technology space that I'm in for work, but in your space and financial planning.
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Yeah, are they going to take over my job?
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Right, I think that you know it's so funny because people are like oh, ai is so new, ai is so new and AI is not new.
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So that's first and foremost.
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I know for many people it feels like it has come out, you know, in the last year or two, maybe three years, but it's actually been around for an extremely long time.
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But now it is more accessible to us, you know, and we're using it in like the chat, gpt, prep my meals for the week, write me a shopping list, plan this vacation, help me write this email, kind of way.
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But it's actually been around for quite some time.
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And so, you know, I think, with the rise of AI, people very much are like is AI going to take my job?
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And what I typically say is AI is not likely to take most people's jobs, but it could very well replace you if you're not willing to learn about it.
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Yeah, I definitely remember reading a lot of articles, you know, a few years ago, when the rise of robo-advisors started to come out and it was like you know, robo-advisors are going to take over the roles of financial advisors.
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They can do it for cheaper, they're smarter.
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All these things and I can honestly say, you know, a few years into this, hasn't affected me and it hasn't affected, you know, other colleagues that I have that are within the field, because I think that there has been a shift in regards to maybe what our primary focus and what our main offering may be, but as far as replacing us, overall, not at all.
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And personally I use AI within my practice to help become more efficient and help in certain aspects that obviously AI can do significantly better than any human.
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Yeah, one of my favorite uses for AI and I do this almost daily is recording all of my work calls, and then, you know, I get a transcript, I get next steps, I get follow-up items.
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I mean all of the stuff that you do in work that's very manual, you know, can, can be utilized with technology to make life easier.
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It's also great, you know, in those instances, hey, if I'm out and I need to revisit a call that I wasn't a part of or you know for you I know you've talked about you know recording, helping it summarize the call, getting the next steps, getting action items I mean those things are the manual tasks that are very labor-intensive, that take up a lot of time, and so AI has a lot of use cases for that.
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For that I don't know that I would have ever leaned towards a robo-advisor, but I think I've, of course, am biased because I know how much you do for not only our family but for your clients, and you're just not going to get that from a machine.
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You're just not.
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I also.
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You know, just like you.
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One of the things you said that I say that I do is I do record my meetings with clients and all my clients get a detailed recap meeting email with action items, and I use a program called Fathom in order to produce those.
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It makes my life significantly easier because before I was taking notes and then creating the email myself, as compared to now, it creates it for me.
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I maybe make a few adjustments in there and then I send it out.
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So cuts down on the timing that it takes for me to do these things.
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But I think people have a different idea of what a financial advisor a good financial advisor brings to the table in comparison to what a robo-advisor can do for you.
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Well, do we want to start with what AI can do in?
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financial planning yes.
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Because there are positives.
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This is not us knocking AI, because obviously we use it every day.
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So, when it comes to the investing aspect, as far as putting together a portfolio, I think AI can do a significantly better job, and a lot of advisors are using AI to put together portfolios Because, basically, when it comes to putting together a portfolio and analyzing, hey, how should we put this portfolio together based upon this person's goals, their risk tolerance and what they're looking to achieve, a lot of that is based upon historical performance.
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You may have heard the saying.
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Like you know, historical performance is not indicative of future performance, but that's all we have really to look at in order to maybe have an idea of what's going to happen in the future.
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And obviously, ai can do a significantly better and much faster job of analyzing historical performance than any human or any number of humans put together.
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So, from a portfolio management standpoint, you have AI.
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That's being incorporated into pretty much almost any platform for that.
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But aren't you also able to utilize that for your clients, oh?
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100% Right.
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So the thing that I think I have a better edge on when I'm using it, as compared to, maybe, a client using it by themselves, is that any technology that you're using, if you have a better understanding of the subject matter and what you're using that technology for, you are going to be able to use the technology better.
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So think about it this way If you were in high school and you were in math class, all right, and you have a math test and you have a calculator, you have a calculator that can help you do all the calculations, but you have no idea which equation you need in order to solve the problem.
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It doesn't matter if you have the calculator there, you don't know what equation applies to the problem that you're trying to solve.
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So you don't even know what to like chemistry class.
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So you don't even know which calculator.
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You don't even know which information you need to put into the calculator.
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Even though you have the tool that can provide you with the answers, you don't know what to put into it in order to get out the answer that you need.
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Yeah, that's a really good call out.
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Even you know.
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Again, I think most people listening probably have tinkered once or twice with chat, gpt.
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But it's all about the prompt.
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If you put in a garbage prompt, guess what Garbage in, garbage out.
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So it's the same concept of you have to know how to utilize the tool, you have to know how to prompt the engine.
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You have to understand that it's training and learning from you.
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If you are not utilizing it correctly, then it's not being trained correctly and you're never going to get the best possible outcome.
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That even goes back to conversations we've had about using LegalZoom to create a will.
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The issue that you run into there is that it's based upon the information that you put in.
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Now, you might be putting information in and you might be putting the wrong information.
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However, it's actually giving you the correct information for what you put in.
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Have you been listening to our podcast and wondering how am I really doing with my money?
00:07:44.622 --> 00:07:47.348
Am I doing the right things with my investments?
00:07:47.348 --> 00:07:50.052
Am I on track to reach my financial goals?
00:07:50.052 --> 00:07:51.814
What could I be doing better?
00:07:51.814 --> 00:08:07.043
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it's time for you to reach out to Brandon to schedule your free yes, I said free 30-minute introduction conversation to see how his services could help make you the more confident moneymaker we know you could be.
00:08:07.043 --> 00:08:08.766
What are you waiting for?
00:08:08.766 --> 00:08:16.274
It's literally free and at the very least, you'll walk away feeling more empowered and confident about your financial future.
00:08:16.274 --> 00:08:17.939
Link is in our show notes.
00:08:17.939 --> 00:08:19.464
Go, schedule your call today.
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Yeah, but now that we are going through that pre-nup, post-nup process right for legal Zoom, et cetera, et cetera we've had those conversations of, like cheap can be expensive, right, You're going to Staples buying the DIY kit out of the box, You're printing it offline.
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Even the other night we were watching Love is Blind and she had printed off the prenup papers and put them down and said you know, here you go, which clearly that was not a collaborative process.
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But again, what are you putting in and what are you going to get out?
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So you think you're doing the right thing, but who knows what you actually are getting in, that legally kind of binding contract.
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It's certainly not the best it could be.
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I think another thing that AI does a really great job is there's tons of different budgeting apps.
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So essentially what a lot of these apps are?
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Account aggregators.
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You put in information for the different accounts you have.
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You know your bank account, credit card, whatever savings account, whatever it may be, and it's able to pull in all the information from the transactions, categorize them and give you some insights to your spending habits.
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I think obviously AI is great for that, because the only other way to track that is manually and that's looking at your statements at the end of each month and maybe putting into a spreadsheet and doing all that hard work, which obviously some people love doing it, and that's you know.
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If spreadsheets are your jam, be my guest, not my jam.
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I much rather work smarter, not harder.
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Well, and everybody's living on their phone.
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So the reality is is most of us would probably want to check our budgets and our spending on our phone, because it's our little pocket computer and so it's right there.
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Do you have any favorites now that mint is gone favorites.
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Now that mint is gone um, mint became I want to say became monarch money?
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no, it became.
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I think it became monarch people are raving about monarch.
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I don't think it's free.
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It's not free but people love the interface.
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They love that it's.
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It's really great kind of right out of the box, but you can also customize it for your needs and the u UI UX is fantastic.
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I've heard nothing but good things.
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Yeah, I haven't used it personally since it became monarch money, since I have planning software that I can use for that that I already pay for.
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We're not trying to have multiple subscriptions for the same thing.
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But even in those scenarios like so, for example with the account aggregation and categorizing of transactions, Sometimes AI doesn't get the categorization correct.
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And you have to go back in and do it manually.
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But the nice thing is that it learns and it recognizes, when the new transaction comes in, where it should go.
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But there is still some human aspect to checking to make sure that things are done correctly and not just simply relying that the AI technology is at 100 percent.
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Even we've had to do that in your planning software RightCapital where, I don't know, maybe like CVS was shopping and we know that it's pharmacy benefits because we're not shopping at CVS type thing.
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So you have to put a little bit of work in to get it to where you want it to be.
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But then it will work for you and it will learn and as you train it it will get better.
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And it will learn and as you train it it will get better.
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And one other way that people are using it, which really I wouldn't say is applicable to most of the population, is algorithmic investing.
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So that's going to be like some of the people that are doing the trading day trading and they're looking at you know times to buy, sell stuff of that nature.
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Now, obviously, that doesn't necessarily apply to most people, but it analyzes patterns and it does a much better job of analyzing patterns than you know, a single individual could do.
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And that's another way that AI is definitely being used and can be beneficial.
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Are there any other ways that you feel like AI has a benefit in the financial planning world?
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Honestly, I mean other than maybe some of the back office stuff, when it comes to paperwork being done and stuff of that nature, yeah, those jobs could potentially be downsides, because I don't think they're going to be eliminated only because you do have to have somebody to manage, obviously, the technology itself to make sure things are still done correctly.
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But I definitely see from that standpoint like transactional standpoint.
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But the main thing you know from a client facing interaction that I would have, I would say it's more or less the investing aspects of the portfolio management, stuff like that.
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So if we're thinking AI robo advisors right, everybody online is like, you can do it yourself.
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You don't need to pay somebody and like yes again, if you want to spend hours and hours and weeks and weeks and months and months learning proper financial planning, all the rules, the tax implications, you know, and then, on top of that, you know the checkups, we have an entire episode on DIYing your finances and all the things you're going to have to consider.
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But most people again, this is not where you spend your time, so you will miss things.
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So, talking about the robo-advisor, you know, is the robo-advisor going to ask you to update your beneficiaries after you go through the divorce?
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Is the robo-advisor going to tell you to up your life insurance now that you have kids or you bought a bigger house or you got a new job and you're making $200,000 more?
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Is the robo-advisor going to help you really make the most out of the comprehensive portfolio and all of the life stuff?
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I feel like the life stuff is what's so important that you don't want to miss out on.
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Yeah, I mean there is a draw to the Betterments Wellfronts, schwab, intelligent Portfolios and the main draw to that for most people, in all honesty, comes down to cost.
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The reality of it is that I think people are trying to find the least expensive solution, and I completely understand wanting to make sure that you're not overpaying and being cost conscious.
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However, cheap isn't always the best option.
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Cheap can be expensive.
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And, at the end of the day, that's what this is, and the thing is, too, is that I think it's also there is full financial planning and investment management are not the same.
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Now, investment management can be part of financial planning, but investment management is not full financial planning.
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Can you expand on that?
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00:14:29.981 --> 00:14:36.469
So with investment management, all someone is doing is saying, for example, like you have $100,000.
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You want to invest it in the market.
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It might ask you some questions around risk tolerance, which is a questionnaire that I give to people to just simply understand how they manage risk, how they react to risk.
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It's not the by all means indeterminate factor of how we're going to invest, but it's something that we can have a conversation about Now with a robo-advisor.
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It is, by all means, going to be the end result.
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So, for example, you might be someone that wants to be aggressive, but once you go through the risk questionnaire, you end up becoming conservative, and with most robo advisors, they're going to just automatically put you into a conservative as compared to working with me.
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Now we have a basis for a conversation.
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Why did you answer the questions this way?
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Did you understand the questions?
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And then maybe we might have a I have a conversation that leads you a better understanding of why we should be more aggressive.
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Thus we can now become, you know, invest in a more aggressive manner.
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As compared to a robo-advisor, it's really not going to have that back-to-back interaction and that explaining factor that comes along with it.
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Now, what it's going to do is simply, you know, taking that risk assessment how long do you approximately want to be invested in the market some aspect, because that's also going to be a determining factor of how aggressive you can be and then it puts together a portfolio for you, so it just simply manages the money that you gave it.
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So you hopped online, you had $100,000, you put it into the robo-advisor and they invest it for you.
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Now the one thing they're not going to do is make sure hey, do you have an emergency fund set up?
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Can you actually invest all this $100,000?
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Or would it be maybe better if you invested half of this $100,000 because you don't have an adequate emergency fund?
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Also, they didn't ask you questions about any other goals that you maybe want to achieve.
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Oh, by the way, you want to buy a house in the next two years.
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Maybe you don't invest the entire $100,000 so that you have a down payment for the home.
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It doesn't ask you all those questions.
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It's a very basic, straightforward kind of like.
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If you're going to be a DIYer, it helps out.
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Or if you're someone that's maybe just getting started in investing, it can help you out as far as doing that, but it's not full financial planning at all.
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It is strictly investment management.
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You give it the money, it manages it.
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It doesn't ask you any other questions.
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Yeah, and I know you're so big on goals and what you say.
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It drives me crazy.
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But I obviously understand why you say this all the time when people ask you questions and your response is it depends.
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It depends.
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And, like you said, should everybody max out their 401k?
00:16:55.145 --> 00:16:56.028
It depends.
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What are your goals?
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Are you going to need to be more liquid?
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Do you?
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Are you saving for that down payment on the home, whatever that might be?
00:17:03.889 --> 00:17:12.776
Like you said, the robo advisor for lack of a better word is not going to give you that human touch of conversation to really dig into what are your goals?
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What do you want your money to do for you?
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How do you envision your life into 5, 10, 20 years, etc.
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So I think those are the conversations that really I mean, you're great at them but really help people understand.
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Oh, these are why we're making the decisions we're making.
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When you were talking about, you know, plugging in your money, talking about your, maybe your retirement age, it reminded me of our 401k episode where we talked about the target date fund and like, yeah, maybe if you're auto-enrolled and you don't do anything, you'll be okay.
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But then we talked about my specific 401k, which is more aggressive than what the target date fund would have provided, because we know we're not touching that money.
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We know that this is a long-term play, so let's be as aggressive as possible, because I'm 20 years away from quote-unquote or 25 years away from quote-unquote retirement age, so let's maximize those years.
00:18:07.875 --> 00:18:14.009
I think so that with the robo-advisors they're also going to basically operate kind of on the rule of thumb rather than the nuance.
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And so much is nuanced right with people's situations.
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It's personal finance Right.
00:18:17.777 --> 00:18:18.778
With people's situation.
00:18:18.817 --> 00:18:19.778
It's personal finance.
00:18:19.979 --> 00:18:20.159
00:18:20.199 --> 00:18:25.983
So you know, rule of thumbs don't always work for everybody at a given time.
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So the biggest thing with it, too, is that you're going.
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You also don't get this aspect of, for example we were literally talking about the other day.
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There's a lot of rules in place that people can easily get confused.
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So, for example, one of the things that I don't see enough of on social media, I believe, is that with IRAs, individual retirement accounts if you just hopped on social media, you would think that everyone could take advantage of a traditional IRA and the sense of putting money away pre-tax.
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So when you put money into the IRA at the end of the year, when you file your taxes, you're letting them know that you put, say, $7,000 into an IRA and that lowers your taxable income for the year by $7,000 because it's going in pre-tax.
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So they think that they could just all take advantage of that pre-tax contribution.
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That's what the internet says, so it's got to be real.
00:19:16.837 --> 00:19:17.057
00:19:17.057 --> 00:19:26.002
Once you exceed a certain income threshold, you cannot deduct that contribution in an IRA.
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So you can't just to be clear, because we had a long discussion about this you can put that $7,000 in the IRA.
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That is absolutely go put that away.
00:19:34.608 --> 00:19:37.329
If you have it, you know, let it sit there, let it grow.
00:19:37.329 --> 00:19:51.605
But what Brandon is saying is you, if you are high earner, you might not be able to get the tax benefit which is really why people want to put that money in the IRA.
00:19:51.625 --> 00:19:52.426
I mean there's other benefits to it.
00:19:52.426 --> 00:20:00.721
Because, um, I mean there are other benefits to it, but not in the same fashion as if you were able to take the deduction, because there was different ways that I would go.
00:20:00.721 --> 00:20:09.638
There's a different way that I use it for for clients that we don't need to get into here, but you would have the internet, would have, you think, then everyone can do that deduction and it's stuff like that.
00:20:09.638 --> 00:20:17.401
When it comes to the little specific rules or, like you know, with contributions to a Roth IRA, if you make a certain amount of money, you can't contribute directly to a Roth IRA.
00:20:17.401 --> 00:20:18.742
You have to do a different process.
00:20:18.742 --> 00:20:27.579
And it's those little rules where, like, if you don't know them, I don't know if AI is going to give that answer to you, because it's based upon what you put in and how you prompt it.
00:20:28.000 --> 00:20:39.462
Yeah, well, and I think, too, what you're kind of alluding to is it really is going back to like the goals of what you want your money to do for you, because money is a tool.
00:20:39.462 --> 00:20:56.980
So also, I think you have so many conversations about the emotional aspect right Of money, and you're you have these conversations all the time and you're always joking around saying like I should have gotten a psychology degree, because so we all have an emotional attachment to our money.
00:20:56.980 --> 00:21:08.415
We all want to do what's important to us with our money, and so I feel, like you, you do a lot of handholding and reassuring with your clients to let them know, hey, we've planned for this.
00:21:08.415 --> 00:21:13.651
Or you're, you're good, go, you know, get that nice closet install.
00:21:13.651 --> 00:21:15.939
Or go get that bathroom remodel.
00:21:15.939 --> 00:21:26.987
Or yeah, you can afford the second lake house, like I feel like you are constantly reminding people of like hey, we've done this work and now you're actually in a position to spend the money the way we've planned for it.
00:21:26.987 --> 00:21:28.730
Go, do that, it's okay.
00:21:29.336 --> 00:21:34.321
I mean, there's so many things in life that we know that we should do and it's not just within finance.
00:21:34.321 --> 00:21:35.820
For example, your health.
00:21:35.820 --> 00:21:39.196
You should need a bunch of unhealthy food, you should exercise.
00:21:39.196 --> 00:21:41.597
We all know these things, but why don't we do them?
00:21:42.578 --> 00:21:44.440
Because there's nobody holding us accountable.
00:21:44.440 --> 00:21:46.280
We don't have a partner.
00:21:46.280 --> 00:21:47.961
Buddy workout accomplice.
00:21:47.961 --> 00:21:49.522
We have to get over our head trash.
00:21:49.542 --> 00:21:51.423
We have to deal with, you know, maybe past traumas.
00:21:52.523 --> 00:21:52.845
So much.
00:21:52.924 --> 00:21:56.507
And understand a financial literacy like you know, a lacking of understanding of certain things.
00:21:56.507 --> 00:22:06.913
There's so many things that go into making a decision and then taking action, and it has nothing to do with the black and white numbers.
00:22:07.252 --> 00:22:14.946
Yeah, and you help move people along with that decision making, with the actions that need to be taken.
00:22:14.946 --> 00:22:19.439
I don't know that AI is going to build you a to-do list of what to do, and even if it does, it doesn't make you do it, right, right.
00:22:19.439 --> 00:22:20.760
And even if it does, it doesn't make you do it, right, right.
00:22:20.780 --> 00:22:28.550
So, like it's not, ai is not going to constantly call you and send you emails and remind you of your goals that you were, you know you want to accomplish and make sure that you get these things done.
00:22:28.550 --> 00:22:36.903
Yeah, Because if it was simple, as you knowing, you needed to know the information in order to do something AI doesn't need to help you.
00:22:36.903 --> 00:22:38.045
We had, you still have the internet.
00:22:38.045 --> 00:22:39.086
You can still look things up.
00:22:39.086 --> 00:22:40.147
You could have been already doing that.
00:22:40.147 --> 00:22:51.060
So if you're someone that has a hard time with actually completing stuff, it doesn't matter what AI does until they get to the point where AI can literally be a second version of
00:22:51.080 --> 00:22:51.161
00:22:51.161 --> 00:22:51.422
That does it.
00:22:51.422 --> 00:22:52.163
Yeah, it doesn't matter.
00:22:52.163 --> 00:22:53.748
You know you're not.
00:22:53.748 --> 00:22:55.236
You have to take the action.
00:22:55.236 --> 00:22:59.082
And also, the thing is, too, is that we always talk about what the financial planning aspect is.
00:22:59.082 --> 00:23:02.426
It's not a one time thing, it's continuous.
00:23:02.426 --> 00:23:08.999
So you're going to keep continuing to revisit the plan, continuously, monitoring things in your life.
00:23:08.999 --> 00:23:12.457
What's changing, what has changed in my life that now is going to alter the plan.